Wednesday, December 23, 2009

An eye for an eye...

As I was browsing through one of my favorite websites....shout out to!.....I came across this oh-so-very interesting article:

Pakistan court orders men's ears, noses hacked off

You can find the story here:

Call it harsh.

Call it cruel.

I say: Freaking finally someone has the right idea!

If you were too lazy to check up on the link posted above, here's the story in a nutshell:

A Pakistani guy, angry that his marriage proposal was refused by a young lady and her family, tried to strangle her with a wire as she was walking home. As if that wasn't enough, he cut off her nose and ears. Now, a court has ruled that he should have his nose and ears cut off as punishment.

I hope they follow through with that punishment.

For too long sociopaths and criminals have been pampered by the justice system. With the option of pleading insanity, and rehabilitation programs that more often than not fail miserably to make any kind of significant change, justice is not being served.

Maybe Pakistan is doing something right....

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I admit it. I'm a naysayer.


Merriam-Webster definition: one who denies, refuses, opposes, or is skeptical or cynical about something.

Uh-oh. Sounds kind of harsh...don't it, Bob?

Well, this blog is dedicated to the naysayers. Not your typical pessimistic, jaded, I-hate-the-world naysayer. This is in defense of the naysayers who act out of love and affection.

Oh, who am I kidding? This blog is in defense of me, myself, and I.

To those who choose to view the word naysayer in a negative light, I say: "Who died and made you King of How-to-Interpret-the-word-naysayer Land? Just like there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every word. Well, maybe not to every word, but at least to the one we're discussing.

Since we're all aware of the negative aspect of a naysayer, I won't spend too much time on the topic. Suffice it to say, if your response to your baby's repeated failed attempts to walk is: "Well you suck, you'll never learn how to walk, you dumb baby!", you're the kind of naysayer on the other list. The list that not even Hitler would defend.

But what of the other kind?

The one who encourages a friend to move out of a dangerous country.

The one who opposes the idea of jogging alone in a dangerous country.

The one who looks at her half-empty cup of soda and asks the waiter to refill it, because it's half EMPTY.

The one who rejects the notion that sex-offenders can be rehabilitated.

You say: Naysayer. I say: Reasonable.

Practical. Logical.

It's only reasonable that I'd want my friend to be safe.

It's only reasonable that I'd want my friend not to get mugged while out jogging alone.

It's only logical that I ask for a refill if my cup is half-empty. No matter how I look at it, my cup is half-EMPTY. I can choose to be Chipper Chelsea and put on my rose-colored glasses through which I choose to see a half-full glass, but sooner or later, Chipper Chelsea will finish that drink and her glass will be completely empty. At which point she's going to wish she had asked for a refill when her glass was half-EMPTY.....if she happens to be at a place that charges her $10 for a full refill instead of a half refill and not at a normal restaurant...ummm...this little analogy got out of hand quickly, but you know what I mean.....

Logic and reason tell me that given the history of most sex offenders, they can't be trusted not to commit the same crime if given the chance. Oh, you found God and he's forgiven you, you say? Good for you buddy, now get your behind in prison where you belong and praise God that you won't be let loose to be tempted to stray from the straight and narrow path you claim to be on. Yes, this is harsh but guess what, sex offender? Lady Justice called and decided to do something about that self-control issue you have.

What is my point?

It's simple. That we naysayers are sometimes right. We sometimes have facts to back us up. And what is a fact? A concept that can be proven true.

FACT: Elisa is more susceptible to a mugging in Angola than she is in Texas.

FACT: Elisa is more susceptible to malaria in Angola than she is in Texas.

FACT: Elisa can her braids tightened anytime she wants in Texas.

FACT: Elisa can drive a car in Texas.

FACT: Elisa can eat Chipotle whenever she feels like in Texas.

MOST IMPORTANT FACT OF ALL: Elisa is dearly missed by her family and friends.

While I stand by everything I've written, I also admire and grudgingly understand your determination to see your plans through. Not everyone has the guts to sacrifice comfort and security for something they believe in. I'm not happy that you're far away, but you will always have my support.

Because you're my homie ;)

So Elisa my friend, don't judge us naysayers too harshly. We just love you and miss you. And we're darn proud of you!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oh, my dear amiguita....I've decided to create my own little blog in order to best monitor and keep an eye on your soon to be active blog. Yes comadre, you should feel special. My blog was born because yours existed. And by existed, I struggled to survive. I don't know what was more pathetic: Your Facebook, or your blog. The challenge has been accepted, and although drowning in skepticism, I will pretend to believe you will rise to it...

With all the love in the world,


ha ha...