Wednesday, December 23, 2009

An eye for an eye...

As I was browsing through one of my favorite websites....shout out to!.....I came across this oh-so-very interesting article:

Pakistan court orders men's ears, noses hacked off

You can find the story here:

Call it harsh.

Call it cruel.

I say: Freaking finally someone has the right idea!

If you were too lazy to check up on the link posted above, here's the story in a nutshell:

A Pakistani guy, angry that his marriage proposal was refused by a young lady and her family, tried to strangle her with a wire as she was walking home. As if that wasn't enough, he cut off her nose and ears. Now, a court has ruled that he should have his nose and ears cut off as punishment.

I hope they follow through with that punishment.

For too long sociopaths and criminals have been pampered by the justice system. With the option of pleading insanity, and rehabilitation programs that more often than not fail miserably to make any kind of significant change, justice is not being served.

Maybe Pakistan is doing something right....


~elisa~ said...

Ok, I'm still shocked about the crime itself. Who thinks of that? Were they seriously like, 'hey dude, let's go strangle that chick that dissed me... and they we'll keep her ears an nose as souvenirs!' And the friends and cousins were all like, 'Oooh, I wanna go!'.

What the heck? How does this idea even pop up???

I think the Pakistani system got it right. Except for the fact that the article finishes off with a note of uncertainty about whether or not they'll go through with it...

~elisa~ said...

Oh, and it has not escaped my attention that you just cited as one of your favorite websites. You are SUCH A NERD!!!

Sabby said...

I'm a nerd.

....says the ballerina engineer!

Seriously dude, you of all people can't call me a nerd. lol

ROSIBEL said...

i didnt know you started blogging till i read edna's email!! lol

Sabby said...

I figured since Elisa was keeping her least for now hmmm....I'd write a little something here and there....

Dina said...

Oh, oops. Sorry, I called you a mugrosa, R.O. I thought you knew. jaja

Ok, the punishment is so OT.